International Project
Financial and programmatic assistance to Third World countries has been a focus of the Sorority. Over the past 30 years, NSPDK, Inc, has had an ongoing strategic partnership with AFRICARE to reach and support the people on the African continent. Chapters are mandated to make a contribution to the International Project fund, annually.
National Project
NSPDK, Inc. donates $10,000 to fund the Sickle Cell Anemia research at Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee. Chapters are mandated to make a contribution to the National Project fund, annually.
Health, Hypertension, and Nutrition
It provides a channel through which children and adults learn preventive health measures and viable strategies for addressing a wide variety of health issues that confront society.
Retired Senior Volunteer Program / Senior Teacher Program (RSVP/STP)
RSVP/STP encourages:
a) new teachers in areas of discipline, classroom management and professionalism,
b) parents on giving their children assistance in homework and study.
a) new chapter officers on NSPDK policies and procedures
b) committee chairs by sharing old activities with the anticipation that they change to fit the times; and
c) aspiring teachers who desire to become an administrator on how to transition from the classroom to central office.
a) to tutor,
b) to be an advocate for education,
c) in AARP activities and events, and
d) to assist classroom teachers with extra-curricular activities and field trips.
RSVP can be a great benefit to the community.
Children and Adult Benefits
The benefits encompass the sponsorship of a variety of activities and projects that bring joy and enlightenment to children and adults in their specific communities.